Built to Last
February 1, 2023 | Rob Bloss
My earliest memory of designing and building anything was in 7th grade woodshop. My future as a skilled tradesman ended under the level eye of Mr. Helzer. He took one look at the wobbly night stand I had fashioned and proceeded to dismantle it...
Search Me!
January 25, 2023 | Chad Vinson
One of my favorite games to play as a child was hide and seek. The screams of everyone shouting “not it” still ring in my head. Even from a young age hiding has always been the preferred choice.
The Time Given Us
January 18, 2023 | Carrie Henry
Having recently turned the calendar from 2022 to 2023, this is an opportunity to pause and reflect on how you and I steward the time given us.
Jars of Clay
January 11, 2023 | Monty Waldron
If you were going to put a priceless treasure away for safe keeping, where would you put it? It's funny how priceless things end up getting locked away somewhere, secure but rarely enjoyed or put on display by their owner. Not so with God.
Are You Ready to Fast? What do You Have to Gain?
January 4, 2023 | Matt Angell
Several years ago, we were part of a church where the pastor decided to fast from food for 40 days. He drank water and ate only chicken broth. By the end, he had lost so much weight he looked sick. I am glad we are not doing that!