Great (Psalm 145:3)

October 5, 2023 | Monty Waldron

If the Lord is “great,” what does that mean? By what standard is he given that description? Great compared to what?

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Praying Like Nehemiah

September 28, 2023 | Melissa Riggs

I sat across from someone I loved as they expressed their sadness and rage, and in that moment, I prayed silently, “Lord, give me the words to say.”

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The Slowness of God

September 20, 2023 | Benji Baker

I’m sure you have heard the classic fable, The Tortoise and the Hare. The story revolves around a slow-moving but determined tortoise and a fast but arrogant hare.

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Passing the Baton

September 13, 2023 | Rob Bloss

Nearly two thousand years ago, Jesus handed the baton to his disciples. He gave them a race to run, a mission to complete. Just as important as running a good race was making sure that they passed the baton to those who came after them.

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Seeing Clearly

September 7, 2023 | Jeff Patton

I recently had surgery on my right eye. I had developed lots of floaters over the years after having a couple of small retina tears and the laser surgeries to repair them. The bottom line is, I could not see clearly out of my right eye.

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